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Programs & Services


Bobcat Underground Scholars (BUS)

Provides support, services and leadership for formely incarcerated and/or system impacted scholars and their families.

Location: Kolligan Library 222

Community Partnership Program (CPP)

Programs designed to support incoming scholars transitions to UC Merced through educational workshops, outreach, and mentorship.

Location: Kolligan Library 222

Fiat Lux

Living Learning community that is by invitation, specifically designed for first generation, low-income.

Location: Tenaya 160

Gateway Scholars

A peer mentoring program specifically for scholars from Merced County.  Gateway Scholars receive scholarship funding to assist with their ability to attend UC Merced.

Location: Kolligan Library 222

Guardian Scholars Program (GSP)

Supports scholars who are current or former foster youth or have experienced homelessness.

Location: Kolligan Library 222

New Student Orientation (NSO)

Introduces incoming students, families, support network members, and guests to life at UC Merced.

Location: Kolligan Library 222

Services for Undocumented Students

Provides services to Undocumented scholars. Services include legal services and educational programming.


Location: Kolligan Library 127

Success Mentor Program (SMP)

Peer to peer mentor program designed  to pair first year students with upper division students.

Location: Kolligan Library 222

Transfer, Returning, Veteran Services (TRV)

Provides support and community to transfer, returning, and veteran scholars and dependants.

Location: Sentinel Rock 150