At the Calvin E. Bright Success Center (BSC), we work hard to make sure that every scholar feels as if they belong at the University of California, Merced and that they have the resources to thrive academically, personally, and professionally. BSC programs and services are designed specifically for the future demographics of higher education -- low income students, first generation students, students of color, and those specialized student populations that remain in the margins of higher education.
To create change on campus that promotes equitable access to all campus resources for every scholar at the University of California, Merced.
At the BSC we have four guiding principles that direct how we operate as an organization and as representatives of the University of California, Merced. They guide how we make decisions, how we handle chaos/crisis/conflict, and how we engage in the work we do:
Seen, Heard, and Respected - Everyone who engages with the BSC must always feel seen, heard, and respected.
Collaborate, Don't Compete - We are all on the same team and should have the same goal: student success at the University of California, Merced.
On Time & On Budget - Always thrive to work as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Always Care for the Most Marginalized or Affected Students/People - By taking care of the least among us, we are taking care of all of us.
Inclusion, Respect, Efficiency, Collaboration, Student-Centered